
actual class Resource(val name: String)
expect class Resource(name: String)
actual class Resource(val name: String)
actual class Resource(val name: String)
actual class Resource(val name: String)


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actual constructor(name: String)
expect constructor(name: String)
actual constructor(name: String)
actual constructor(name: String)
actual constructor(name: String)


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private val file: File
private val file: CPointer<FILE>?
private val file: File
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actual val name: String
expect val name: String
actual val name: String
actual val name: String
actual val name: String
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private val path: String?
private val path: String
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private val pathParts: List<String>


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actual suspend fun exists(): Boolean
expect suspend fun exists(): Boolean
actual suspend fun exists(): Boolean
actual suspend fun exists(): Boolean
actual suspend fun exists(): Boolean
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suspend fun loadJsonFile(filePath: String): String?
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actual suspend fun readText(): String
expect suspend fun readText(): String
actual suspend fun readText(): String
actual suspend fun readText(): String
actual suspend fun readText(): String
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Link copied to clipboard
actual suspend fun writeText(text: String)
expect suspend fun writeText(text: String)
actual suspend fun writeText(text: String)
actual suspend fun writeText(text: String)
actual suspend fun writeText(text: String)
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fun Resource.writeTextTask(text: String): Task<Unit>