
actual fun httpClient(shouldLogHttpRequests: Boolean, interceptors: List<Any?>?, userAgent: String?, config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
expect fun httpClient(shouldLogHttpRequests: Boolean = false, interceptors: List<Any?>? = listOf(), userAgent: String? = null, config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {}): HttpClient

To configure Ktor engine-specific options in our multiplatform SDK we declare expect/actual dependencies Notice by default we set it to Unit we can also define this expect within the network package so not accessible to client. We have to write some actual and expected functions that will resolve all platform’s conflicts in iOS and Android and JS. It calls different HTTP functions in different platforms which you can define platform-specific.

actual fun httpClient(shouldLogHttpRequests: Boolean, interceptors: List<Any?>?, userAgent: String?, config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient

actual declaration of the httpClient function for the iOS

actual fun httpClient(shouldLogHttpRequests: Boolean, interceptors: List<Any?>?, userAgent: String?, config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
actual fun httpClient(shouldLogHttpRequests: Boolean, interceptors: List<Any?>?, userAgent: String?, config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient