Screenshot Testing

Screenshot testing ensures your components, widgets, and pages maintain consistent visuals. It helps track changes in fonts, colors, or sizes across your composable functions, acting as a visual regression tool.

Screenshot Testing Example


Adding Dependencies

Include the core-ui-test library in your commonTest source set:

val coreVersion = "<latest-version>"
val commonTest by getting {
    dependencies {

Enabling Screenshot Testing

Configure your module to support screenshot testing by enabling the required features in your Gradle setup:

plugins {

teleresoKmp {
    // Enable storing screenshots
    enableScreenShots = true
    // Set tolerance for screenshot verification (1f = 0.1%)
    screenShotsTolerance = 1f

Writing a Test

Wrap your composable code inside runScreenShotTest to capture and verify screenshots.

fun testButton() = runScreenShotTest(
    devices = listOf(Devices.Pixel_3), // Set Devices to run tests on
    wait = 1.toDuration(DurationUnit.SECONDS) // Will wait for animations to finish before taking screenshot
) {
    var text by remember { mutableStateOf("Hello") }
        text = text,
        modifier = Modifier.testTag("text")
        onClick = { text = "Compose" },
        modifier = Modifier.testTag("button")
    ) {
        Text("Click me")

you can pass options to runScreenShotTest to control the devices with screen sizes (each device will have a screenshot)

Also can add a wait (delay) if your UI need to finish running some animation before taking the screenshot

Recording Screenshots

Run the test manually for the first time to generate and save screenshots under: <module>/telereso/screenShots

Alternatively, use the recordTeleresoScreenShots Gradle task:

./gradlew recordTeleresoScreenShots

This task cleans the <module>/telereso/screenShots directory, runs all tests in commonTest, and records new screenshots.

Verifying Changes

When re-running tests, the system compares new screenshots with the base ones. If any changes are detected:

The test fails. A detailed report is generated at: <module>/build/telereso/reports

Report Details

The generated report highlights differences with the following sections:

Difference Image

Highlights changes between the base image and the new screenshot.

Compare Image

Provides an onion-skin overlay to compare the base and new screenshots visually.

CI Integration

Screenshot testing runs exclusively on the desktop platform (JVM).

No additional changes are required for your current CI pipelines.

Platform Support

  • Desktop (jvm): tests and screenshots will be performed on this target
  • Web: Optional support for Kotlin/Wasm is planned for future releases.
  • Android/iOS: Tests on these targets will be empty (always pass), to avoid the need of providing emulators/simulators and potential flakiness in CI.