Extend normal flow class to support some limitation on platforms like iOS and JS
```kotlin // any flow can be converted into a CommonFlow listOf("1", "2").asFlow().asCommonFlow() ```
```swift // Make sure to cast the result Flows.shared.from(list: ["123", "1234"]) as! CommonFlow<NSString> ```
```javascript // Make sure to cast the result Flows.shared.fromArray(["123", "1234"]) ```
```kotlin flow.collcet { data -> } ```
```swift flow.watch { payload, exception in if(exception != nil){ print(exception) } else { print(payload) } } ```
```javascript flow.watch((data, error) => { if (error != null) { console.log(error) } else { console.log(data); } }) // OR using two call backs CoreClient.watch(flow, (data) => { console.log(data); }, (error) => { console.log(error) }) ```