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When using defaulted params for model’s constructor or a function,
They are still mandatory for swift (limitation present for kotlin 1.8.* , might be fixed with later versions KT-38685)

This annotation is meant to overcome this limitation.


Make sure you’ve setup the plugin first

Then use the annotation directly on the class


data class User(val id: String, var name: String? = null, var age: Int? = null)

Or add to the constructor

Class Constructor

data class User @SwiftOverloads constructor(val id: String, var name: String? = null, var age: Int? = null)

And add to the functions with optional params


data class User @SwiftOverloads constructor(val id: String, var name: String? = null, var age: Int? = null){

    fun getInfo(param1: String, param2: String? = null){

Now you can use in your swift code base as follow

// Create objects
User.companion.object(id: "123")
User.companion.object(id: "123", name: "abc")
let user = User.companion.object(id: "123", name: "abc", age: 20)

// Inkove Functions 
user.getInfo(param1: "foo")    // param2 will be defaulted to nil
user.getInfo(param1: "foo", param2: "bar")


You can add some configuration to the annotation for the following use cases

Rename create object method

In case *.companion.object() does not match your project naming convention you can change it with teleresoKmp gradle extension

at your module’s build.gradle.kts

teleresoKmp {
    createObjectFunctionName = "instance"

Now you can create object like so User.companion.instance(id: "123")

Reuse @JvmOverloads

If you have an old project and already using @JvmOverloads on all the models and functions , No need to revisit all the code base and add @SwiftOverloads

You can utilise @JvmOverloads to generate the needed overloads for swift too

at your module’s build.gradle.kts

teleresoKmp {
    swiftOverloadsByJvmOverloads = true // false by default

Now you will have same end result as using @SwiftOverloads