The annotation is meant to solve two limitations faced by JS and iOS platforms
- As of now there are some limitations while working with JS, one of them is there’s no support for
, - For iOS nested generic types like (
) are not interpolated properly and we end up withNSArray
with no type and need to cast manually
Therefore this annotation will try to cover these issues,
It will generate code to wrap List
and Array
in data classes also converting any function return type of List
into Array
so it can be consumed by JS and iOS
Make sure you’ve setup the plugin first
There are two type of classes the annotation can recognize
Data Class (Models)
You need to add the annotation to your data class if your planning to support List
return type in JS/iOS
import io.telereso.kmp.annotations.ListWrapper
data class User(val id: String, val name: String, val age: Int)
It will generate wrapper class for both List
and Array
like so
data class UserList(val list: List<User>)
data class UserArray(val array: Array<User>) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other == null || this::class != other::class) return false
other as UserArray
if (!array.contentEquals(other.array)) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return array.contentHashCode()
So now we can support the following return types
Meaning we flatten the nested types so the iOS interpolator will be able to work as expected
Usually we add this annotation on the sdk manger of the kmp structure so it will handle our List
return types
class MySdkClientManager private constructor(
databaseDriverFactory: MySdkClientDatabaseDriverFactory? = null,
private val builder: Builder,
config: Config? = null
fun getUsersFlow(): Task<CommonFlow<List<User>>> {
return Task.execute {
Notice that the repository had a matching function to the function we are targeting (
), this is a must otherwise the annotation would not work and you will face a compilation error.
Now we can use the above function as so
MySdkClientManager.getInstance().getUsersFlow().await().collect {
// Notice we used `getUsersListFlow` instead of `getUsersFlow`
MySdkClientManager.getInstance().getUsersListFlow().await().await { flow, error in
(flow as! CommonFlow<UserList>).watch { (userList: UserList?, error: ClientException?) in
if let users = userList?.list {
print("users size:, \(users.count)!")
} else {
print(error?.message ?? "")
// your sdk will always has a refrence to core classes
const Tasks = require('@example/my-sdk').io.telereso.kmp.core.Tasks;
const MySdkClient = require('@example/my-sdk');
const manger = new MySdkClient.MySdkClientManager.Builder().build()
async function getUsers(){
// Notice we used `getUsersArrayFlow` instead of `getUsersFlow`
let flow = await CoreClient.Tasks.async(MySdkClient.getUsersArrayFlow(manger, null)), error) => {
Sometimes we don’t want the annotation to handle all the functions in a manger, so we can use the annotation on targeted function,
So with the same example above we would add the annotation to a function directly
class MySdkClientManager private constructor(
databaseDriverFactory: MySdkClientDatabaseDriverFactory? = null,
private val builder: Builder,
config: Config? = null
fun getUsersFlow(): Task<CommonFlow<List<User>>> {
return Task.execute {