
To store key/value settings and configurations,

This settings helper is a wrapper of multiplatform-settings by Russhwolf.

The reason a wrapper is used just in case we needed to change the settings library we can do that with no changes on consuming sdks.


There are two type of settings:

Long Term

Settings will be saved in file and will be available the next session

val settings = Settings.get()


Can be used to store key value settings for the current session only , useful for backend

val settings = Settings.getInMemory


It has all same api interfaces

  • getInt and getIntOrNull
  • getLong and getLongOrNull
  • getBoolean and getBooleanOrNull
  • getFloat and getFloatOrNull
  • getDouble and getDoubleOrNull
  • getString and getStringOrNull

Expirable Settings

One extra useful tool to use is expirable strings

putExpirableString and getExpirableString

you can set a settings that has an expatriation date

settings.putExpirableString(key = "key_reward", value = "10 points", exp = 1678530427)

settings.getExpirableString(key = "key_reward", default = "0 points")