
Table of contents

Using a sdk generated from a kmp structure in android project is pretty simple and similar to adding any other sdk


just add the android version of the sdk in your build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.example.mysdk-client:mysdk-client-android:1.0.0'

the models will exposed from the client it self , in case you needed the models only, you can do the follwoing

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.example.mysdk-models:mysdk-models-android:1.0.0'


Make sure to keep your sdks models so the serialization can work in your release flavors

inside proguard-rules.txt add the follwoing

-keep class io.telereso.kmp.core.models.** {*;}      # core models
-keep class com.example.mysdk.models.** {*;}         # your models
-keep class com.example.mysdk.client.models.** {*;}  # clients models